Giant Squirtle Pattern


An update has finally come! I went through my pattern and remade it - I changed a couple things, but most work was just clarifying and correcting some errors. 

These patterns take time to design and write out. If you enjoyed using my pattern, please consider supporting me by paying what you can for the pattern by using the "buy me a coffee" button to the right. 

What You'll Need

Bernat blanket yarn in:

-Royal blue

-Vintage White


Scrap chunky white yarn (about 3 meters) (alternatively, use white bernat blanket yarn)

Brown, black, and white felt

Polyester stuffing

Glue Gun

Tapestry needle


6.5mm crochet hook

 Head and Body

(Using blue)

Round 1: SC 8 in magic loop (8)

Round 2: Inc x 8 (16)

Round 3: *Sc, inc* X 8 (24)

Round 4: *Sc 2, inc* X 8 (32)

Round 5: *Sc 7, inc* X 4 (36)

Rounds 6-9:Sc around for 4 rows

Round 10: Sc 16, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 16 (38)

Place markers over the two INC spots - that will be the front of the face

Round 11-13: Sc around for 3 rows

Round 14: Sc 4, Dec 16, sc 2 (22)

Round 15: Sc 4, Dec 8, sc 2 (14)

Continuing on to the body - stuff head

(using vintage white)

Round 16: Inc, SC, INC 6, sc, inc 5 (26)

Round 17: SC 6, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 7, inc, sc 4, inc, sc (30)

Round 18: *SC 9, INC* x 3 (33)

Round 19-28: Sc 10 rows

Round 29: SC, DEC around

Stuff body

Round 30-close: DEC to close


(Using Taupe)

Round 1: SC 8 in magic loop (8)

Round 2: Inc x 8 (16)

Round 3: *Inc 5, sc 3* X 2 (26)

Round 4: *Sc 2, inc* X 8, sc, inc (35)

Round 5: *SC 4, INC* x 7 (42)

Round 6: SC 3, inc, sc 9, inc, SC 10, INC, SC 9, INC, SC 7 (46)

Round 7: SC 4, hdc, dc 10, hdc, SC 11, hdc, dc 10, hdc, sc 7

(Switching to your white scrap yarn OR white bernat blanket yarn)

Round 8: Slip stitch around the outside, creating the white border.  FO

*If you want a thicker border, SC around the outside instead of slst. 


Round 1: Sc 8 into magic loop (8)

Round 2: Inc x 8 (16)

Round 3: *Sc 3, inc* X 4 (20)

Round 4-10: Sc around for 7 rows

Round 11: *Sc 8, Dec* X 2 (18)

Round 12: *Sc 7, Dec* x 2 (16)

Round 13: *Sc 6, Dec* x 2 (14)

Round 14: *Sc 5, Dec* x 2 (12)

Round 15: Sc around

Round 16-19: Sc 4 more rows

Round 20 to close: DEC to close, FO

Stuff tail lightly

I made the tail curl simply by folding over the top of the tail, and sewing that in place with extra yarn and the tapestry needle. 


Round 1: SC 6 into magic loop (6)

Round 2: Inc 3, sc 3 (9)

Round 3: *Sc, inc* X 3, sc 3 (12)

Rounds 4-6: Sc around

Round 7: *Sc 2, Dec* X 3 (9)


Stuff arms lightly


Round 1: CH 12 and join ends with slip stitch (12)

Round 2: *Sc 3, inc* X 3 (15)

Rounds 3-5: Sc around

Round 6: *Sc 3, Dec* X 3 (12)

Round 7: Inc 4, sc 8 (16)

Round 8: Sc 8, Dec 4 (12)

Round 9-close: Dec to close, FO

Stuff legs

Putting it Together: 

  1. Sew on the shell. Use the markers on the face to make sure it's perfectly at the back. Leave about 4cm at the bottom unsewn - the tail will be sewn about 1cm under the shell. 
  2. Sew on the tail - I like to put the shell over it a bit, which is why we've left that space. 
  3. Sew on the arms and legs

Making the eyes: 

I'm hoping to make a tutorial post about this sometime soon - maybe a video too. 

  1.  Cut the felt to shape. The main part of Squirtle's eyes is all black.
  2.  Cut out the long white highlight, the round white highlight, and the brown lower highlight. 
    1. I like to start a bit larger for all of these and slowly trim them down to size. 
  3. Attach them using fabric glue/a hot glue gun OR you can hand stitch them all together one layer at a time. 
  4. Attach the eyes to the face using glue or hand stitch them on. I like to pin them on first with sewing pins to get the perfect placement. 

Have fun making him!  If you have issues, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll get back to you asap (I'm trying to check in on them more often)

If you want to be reminded of when I post new patterns, subscribe to email updates on the right!


  1. Is the tail rows missing asterics? like "Sc 3, inc. X 4"

    Also body - "Sc 9, inc. X 3"

    1. Thanks for catching that, I'll fix it.

    2. I think x2 was missing for the last few steps of the tail too! How do you make the tail curl at the tip?

    3. Sc 7, Dec

      Sc 6, Dec

      Sc 5, Dec

    4. You're totally correct. Also to make the tail curl I just fold it over and sew it in place!

  2. Could you put how many were supposed to end with ? Like you do on the other patterns. Just to make sure I’m going it right lol ! Thank you so much!!!

    1. I'll try to do that when I have time! Unfortunately right now I'm trying to finish up some other patterns first :)

  3. I think there's a SC missing from R16 on the body (i.e. the color change row). The previous row is 14 stitches and then the row is 12 total increases which is 26 but 6inc+1sc+6inc only equals 25.

    1. Yeah, I'm just redoing this whole pattern this weekend! (I also wanted to include row counts at the end of each row). I'm hoping to update it tomorrow :)

  4. Hello! Thank you for the pattern :) I was just wondering (sorry if previously mentioned I only skimmed the pattern) how much grams of yarn you needed for each individual colour (blue, white and taupe) thank you and sorry to be a bother!!

  5. Is it possible for you to upload a stencil of the eye shape and parts (something that can be printed and traced)? I am stuck on making it the right size and shape.

    1. Sorry, unfortunately I don't have time to add more support like that to my free patterns. (I just post them as-is as slightly more in-depth pattern notes). My advice would be using an image from the original art as a stencil (you could print that out)

  6. Hi! I'm struggling to find Taupe and Royal Blue in bernet blanket. Do you have any other yarn recommendations?


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